St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Oriental, NC
Lessons for Children

The Sunday School teachers and the Education committee are asking your help for a new project. During Lent, a Bible (for the children) will be taken to the altar as part of the Sunday 10:30 AM procession. At the appropriate time in the service, the children will go to the parish hall with their Bible. An adult will read the lessons to them, and then lead a discussion on the lessons. The children will then return to the sanctuary after the sermon.
It is hoped that by doing this, the meaning of Lent will become more clear to them. Several of the Sunday School teachers have volunteered to lead a discussion, but more adults are needed. If you would like to help, please speak with Laura Agnostek.
(insert summary of activities by age group)
Activity Summary
St. Thomas continues to be one of the most active churches in the diocese in Diocesan youth events such as New Beginnings, Junior and Senior High conferences, and Celebration. It is at these events that many youth experience significant spiritual growth and form strong support relationships with other Christian young people.
During 2003, St. Thomas EYC had many and varied activities, participants, and adult helpers. We started the year by attending the January Youth Celebration in Fayetteville during the big snowstorm. Soon after that we set out on our annual ski trip and again encountered a big snowfall while we traveled.
The year 2003 saw the beginning of Movie Night on from 6-8:30 Sunday nights at the Green House (behind the sanctuary on Mildred Street). This has been a popular attraction for youth of St. Thomas and greater Oriental. There are from fifteen to twenty five youth at the Green House on most Sunday nights for this weekly activity.
A note of explanation of funding of activities is in order, since there are so many activities. Diocesan Events have been budgeted by the vestry for several years. The Women’s Group has funded youth going to summer camp and Winterlight. This year they helped youth attend the Winter Conference at Trinity Center. The ski trip is completely self-funded by the young people earning money or paying their own way. Various groups including the Men’s and Women’s Group contributed to the operation of Movie Night.
Revised 2/23/04
St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Oriental, NC
402 Freemason St., P.O. Box 461, Oriental, NC, 28571-0461
[email protected]