
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Oriental, NC

Worship and StudyOriental

Our Worship  is……

Sacramentally centered

Traditional – from Sunday Prayer Book Offices

Offers contemporary and traditional music

Celebrates midweek services of Healing and other liturgies

Services and Study at St. Thomas

Sun:8 & 10:30 A.M. Holy Eucharist,
 9:15 A.M. Sunday School
Wed:8:30 A.M. Holy Eucharist and Healing Service
LENT: 5:30 P.M.: soup and bread, Bible study
(See below for study materials.)Regular schedule: 7 PM, Prayer, Praise, and Compline
Tues:9:00 A.M. Men’s Bible Study
NOTE:  For special events, see the Calendar.

Online Resources

Lenten Study
This Microsoft Word document contains the  text that is discussed during Lent at the Wednesday night

Daily Prayer
At this site you can click on a calendar day and get that day’s morning and evening prayers.

The Basics
This link to the Anglicans’ Online site provides a wide range of  information about Anglican / Episcopal beliefs and practices, as well as offering resoures for spiritual inquiry and religious study. Also on the site is a link to special resources for Lent and Easter.

Episcopal Church USA
The national Episcopal Church web site contains manyresources for worship and study.

Suggest a Resource
Email St. Thomas Episcopal Church to let us know of an online resource that you’d like to share with others.

St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Oriental, NC

402 Freemason St., P.O. Box 461, Oriental, NC, 28571-0461


[email protected]